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Are you a DIY bride?

Do you have a bunch of small projects that you would like to tackle for yourself to save a few dollars? Maybe you saw some ideas on Pinterest that you would like to incorporate into your wedding.

Gray vase with pink flowers

That all sounds great until you're in over your head with projects and the big day is fast approaching. The last thing you want is to be super stressed the week leading up to your wedding as this will take a toll on your body. It may even show on your face. Not the way you want things to go. While DIY is great let's be real, you can't DIY EVERYTHING! So let's break it down.

An assortment of flowers

Write down your must-haves and hire the professionals to do this. DIY or find cheaper methods to handle the rest. Gather a group of friends or even your bridesmaids and let them pitch in to help you. Make it a day of fun, play some music, order food and have drinks sharing so that everything gets done in a less tedious manner. You will feel less stressed this way. So again, we're not saying steer completely away from DIY but just don't pretend to be superwoman!

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